
The operations collection consists of various default gates and is a work-in-progress, as users start to work with ProjectQ.


Definitions of some of the most basic quantum gates.


The apply_command function and the Command class.


Definition of the basic set of quantum gates.


Definition of some meta gates.


Definition of the quantum amplitude amplification gate.


Definition of the QFT gate.


Definition of the quantum phase estimation gate.


QubitOperator stores a sum of Pauli operators acting on qubits.


A few shortcuts for certain gates.


Definition of the state preparation gate.


Definition of the time evolution gate.


Definition of uniformly controlled Ry- and Rz-rotation gates.


Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.Tensor


Dirty qubit allocation gate class.


Qubit allocation gate class.


Apply a command.


Barrier gate class.


Base class of all gates.


Base class for all math gates.


Base class for all phase gates.


Base class of for all rotation gates.

projectq.ops.C(gate[, n_qubits])

Return n-controlled version of the provided gate.


Classical instruction gate.

projectq.ops.Command(engine, gate, qubits[, ...])

Class used as a container to store commands.

projectq.ops.ControlledGate(gate[, n])

Controlled version of a gate.


Shortcut for C(Rz(angle), n_qubits=1).


Enum type to initialise the control state of qubits.


Wrapper class allowing to execute the inverse of a gate, even when it does not define one.


Qubit deallocation gate class.


Entangle gate class.


Base class for fast-forward gates.


Gate for flipping qubits by means of XGates.


Flush gate (denotes the end of the circuit).


Return the inverse of a gate.


Hadamard gate class.


Exception thrown when trying to set two incompatible states for a control qubit.


Return True if the gate is an identity gate.


A gate class whose instances are defined by a matrix.


Measurement gate class (for single qubits).


Exception thrown when trying to invert a gate which is not invertable.


Exception thrown when trying to merge two gates which are not mergeable.


Phase gate (global phase).

projectq.ops.QAA(algorithm, oracle)

Quantum Aplitude Amplification gate.


Quantum Fourier Transform gate.


Quantum Phase Estimation gate.

projectq.ops.QubitOperator([term, coefficient])

A sum of terms acting on qubits, e.g., 0.5 * 'X0 X5' + 0.3 * 'Z1 Z2'.


Phase-shift gate (equivalent to Rz up to a global phase).


RotationX gate class.


RotationXX gate class.


RotationY gate class.


RotationYY gate class.


RotationZ gate class.


RotationZZ gate class.


Self-inverse basic gate class.


S gate class.


Square-root Swap gate class.


Square-root X gate class.


Gate for transforming qubits in state |0> to any desired quantum state.


Swap gate class (swaps 2 qubits).


Wrapper class allowing to apply a (single-qubit) gate to every qubit in a quantum register.


T gate class.

projectq.ops.TimeEvolution(time, hamiltonian)

Gate for time evolution under a Hamiltonian (QubitOperator object).


Uniformly controlled Ry gate as introduced in arXiv:quant-ph/0312218.


Uniformly controlled Rz gate as introduced in arXiv:quant-ph/0312218.


Pauli-X gate class.


Pauli-Y gate class.


Pauli-Z gate class.



Definitions of some of the most basic quantum gates.

Defines the BasicGate class, the base class of all gates, the BasicRotationGate class, the SelfInverseGate, the FastForwardingGate, the ClassicalInstruction gate, and the BasicMathGate class.

Gates overload the | operator to allow the following syntax:

Gate | (qureg1, qureg2, qureg2)
Gate | (qureg, qubit)
Gate | qureg
Gate | qubit
Gate | (qubit,)

This means that for more than one quantum argument (right side of | ), a tuple needs to be made explicitely, while for one argument it is optional.

class projectq.ops._basics.BasicGate[source]

Base class of all gates. (Don’t use it directly but derive from it).


Generate a command.

The command object created consists of the gate and the qubits being acted upon.


qubits – see BasicGate.make_tuple_of_qureg(qubits)


A Command object containing the gate and the qubits.


Return the inverse gate.

Standard implementation of get_inverse:


NotInvertible – inverse is not implemented


Return this gate merged with another gate.

Standard implementation of get_merged:


NotMergeable – merging is not implemented


Return True if the gate is an identity gate. In this base class, always returns False.

static make_tuple_of_qureg(qubits)[source]

Convert quantum input of “gate | quantum input” to internal formatting.

A Command object only accepts tuples of Quregs (list of Qubit objects) as qubits input parameter. However, with this function we allow the user to use a more flexible syntax:

  1. Gate | qubit

  2. Gate | [qubit0, qubit1]

  3. Gate | qureg

  4. Gate | (qubit, )

  5. Gate | (qureg, qubit)

where qubit is a Qubit object and qureg is a Qureg object. This function takes the right hand side of | and transforms it to the correct input parameter of a Command object which is:

  1. -> Gate | ([qubit], )

  2. -> Gate | ([qubit0, qubit1], )

  3. -> Gate | (qureg, )

  4. -> Gate | ([qubit], )

  5. -> Gate | (qureg, [qubit])


qubits – a Qubit object, a list of Qubit objects, a Qureg object, or a tuple of Qubit or Qureg objects (can be mixed).


A tuple containing Qureg (or list of Qubits) objects.

Return type

Canonical representation (tuple<qureg>)


Return a string representation of the object.

Achieve same function as str() but can be extended for configurable representation

class projectq.ops._basics.BasicMathGate(math_fun)[source]

Base class for all math gates.

It allows efficient emulation by providing a mathematical representation which is given by the concrete gate which derives from this base class. The AddConstant gate, for example, registers a function of the form

def add(x):
    return (x+a,)

upon initialization. More generally, the function takes integers as parameters and returns a tuple / list of outputs, each entry corresponding to the function input. As an example, consider out-of-place multiplication, which takes two input registers and adds the result into a third, i.e., (a,b,c) -> (a,b,c+a*b). The corresponding function then is

def multiply(a,b,c)
    return (a,b,c+a*b)

Get the math function associated with a BasicMathGate.

Return the math function which corresponds to the action of this math gate, given the input to the gate (a tuple of quantum registers).


qubits (tuple<Qureg>) – Qubits to which the math gate is being applied.


Python function describing the action of this gate. (See BasicMathGate.__init__ for an example).

Return type

math_fun (function)

class projectq.ops._basics.BasicPhaseGate(angle)[source]

Base class for all phase gates.

A phase gate has a continuous parameter (the angle), labeled ‘angle’ / self.angle. Its inverse is the same gate with the negated argument. Phase gates of the same class can be merged by adding the angles. The continuous parameter is modulo 2 * pi, self.angle is in the interval [0, 2 * pi).


Return the inverse of this rotation gate (negate the angle, return new object).


Return self merged with another gate.

Default implementation handles rotation gate of the same type, where angles are simply added.


other – Rotation gate of same type.


NotMergeable – For non-rotation gates or rotation gates of different type.


New object representing the merged gates.


Return the Latex string representation of a BasicPhaseGate.

Returns the class name and the angle as a subscript, i.e.

class projectq.ops._basics.BasicRotationGate(angle)[source]

Base class of for all rotation gates.

A rotation gate has a continuous parameter (the angle), labeled ‘angle’ / self.angle. Its inverse is the same gate with the negated argument. Rotation gates of the same class can be merged by adding the angles. The continuous parameter is modulo 4 * pi, self.angle is in the interval [0, 4 * pi).


Return the inverse of this rotation gate (negate the angle, return new object).


Return self merged with another gate.

Default implementation handles rotation gate of the same type, where angles are simply added.


other – Rotation gate of same type.


NotMergeable – For non-rotation gates or rotation gates of different type.


New object representing the merged gates.


Return True if the gate is equivalent to an Identity gate.


Return the Latex string representation of a BasicRotationGate.

Returns the class name and the angle as a subscript, i.e.


Return the string representation of a BasicRotationGate.


symbols (bool) – uses the pi character and round the angle for a more user friendly display if True, full angle written in radian otherwise.

class projectq.ops._basics.ClassicalInstructionGate[source]

Classical instruction gate.

Base class for all gates which are not quantum gates in the typical sense, e.g., measurement, allocation/deallocation, …

class projectq.ops._basics.FastForwardingGate[source]

Base class for fast-forward gates.

Base class for classical instruction gates which require a fast-forward through compiler engines that cache / buffer gates. Examples include Measure and Deallocate, which both should be executed asap, such that Measurement results are available and resources are freed, respectively.


The only requirement is that FlushGate commands run the entire circuit. FastForwardingGate objects can be used but the user cannot expect a measurement result to be available for all back-ends when calling only Measure. E.g., for the IBM Quantum Experience back-end, sending the circuit for each Measure-gate would be too inefficient, which is why a final

is required before the circuit gets sent through the API.

class projectq.ops._basics.MatrixGate(matrix=None)[source]

A gate class whose instances are defined by a matrix.


Use this gate class only for gates acting on a small numbers of qubits. In general, consider instead using one of the provided ProjectQ gates or define a new class as this allows the compiler to work symbolically.


gate = MatrixGate([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
gate | qubit

Return the inverse of this gate.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

exception projectq.ops._basics.NotInvertible[source]

Exception thrown when trying to invert a gate which is not invertable.

This exception is also thrown if the inverse is not implemented (yet).

exception projectq.ops._basics.NotMergeable[source]

Exception thrown when trying to merge two gates which are not mergeable.

This exception is also thrown if the merging is not implemented (yet)).

class projectq.ops._basics.SelfInverseGate[source]

Self-inverse basic gate class.

Automatic implementation of the get_inverse-member function for self-inverse gates.


# get_inverse(H) == H, it is a self-inverse gate:
get_inverse(H) | qubit

Return the inverse of this gate.


The apply_command function and the Command class.

When a gate is applied to qubits, e.g.,

CNOT | (qubit1, qubit2)

a Command object is generated which represents both the gate, qubits and control qubits. This Command object then gets sent down the compilation pipeline.

In detail, the Gate object overloads the operator| (magic method __or__) to generate a Command object which stores the qubits in a canonical order using interchangeable qubit indices defined by the gate to allow the optimizer to cancel the following two gates

Swap | (qubit1, qubit2)
Swap | (qubit2, qubit1)

The command then gets sent to the MainEngine via the apply wrapper (apply_command).

class projectq.ops._command.Command(engine, gate, qubits, controls=(), tags=(), control_state=CtrlAll.One)[source]

Class used as a container to store commands.

If a gate is applied to qubits, then the gate and qubits are saved in a command object. Qubits are copied into WeakQubitRefs in order to allow early deallocation (would be kept alive otherwise). WeakQubitRef qubits don’t send deallocate gate when destructed.


The gate to execute


Tuple of qubit lists (e.g. Quregs). Interchangeable qubits are stored in a unique order


The Qureg of control qubits in a unique order


The engine (usually: MainEngine)


The list of tag objects associated with this command (e.g., ComputeTag, UncomputeTag, LoopTag, …). tag objects need to support ==, != (__eq__ and __ne__) for comparison as used in e.g. TagRemover. New tags should always be added to the end of the list. This means that if there are e.g. two LoopTags in a command, tag[0] is from the inner scope while tag[1] is from the other scope as the other scope receives the command after the inner scope LoopEngine and hence adds its LoopTag to the end.


A tuple of control_qubits + qubits

add_control_qubits(qubits, state=CtrlAll.One)[source]

Add (additional) control qubits to this command object.

They are sorted to ensure a canonical order. Also Qubit objects are converted to WeakQubitRef objects to allow garbage collection and thus early deallocation of qubits.

  • qubits (list of Qubit objects) – List of qubits which control this gate

  • state (int,str,CtrlAll) – Control state (ie. positive or negative) for the qubits being added as control qubits.

property all_qubits[source]

Get all qubits (gate and control qubits).

Returns a tuple T where T[0] is a quantum register (a list of WeakQubitRef objects) containing the control qubits and T[1:] contains the quantum registers to which the gate is applied.

property control_qubits[source]

Return a Qureg of control qubits.

property control_state[source]

Return the state of the control qubits (ie. either positively- or negatively-controlled).

property engine[source]

Return engine to which the qubits belong / on which the gates are executed.


Get the command object corresponding to the inverse of this command.

Inverts the gate (if possible) and creates a new command object from the result.


NotInvertible – If the gate does not provide an inverse (see BasicGate.get_inverse)


Merge this command with another one and return the merged command object.


other – Other command to merge with this one (self)


NotMergeable – if the gates don’t supply a get_merged()-function or can’t be merged for other reasons.

property interchangeable_qubit_indices[source]

Return nested list of qubit indices which are interchangeable.

Certain qubits can be interchanged (e.g., the qubit order for a Swap gate). To ensure that only those are sorted when determining the ordering (see _order_qubits), self.interchangeable_qubit_indices is used.


If we can interchange qubits 0,1 and qubits 3,4,5, then this function returns [[0,1],[3,4,5]]


Evaluate if the gate called in the command object is an identity gate.


True if the gate is equivalent to an Identity gate, False otherwise

property qubits[source]

Qubits stored in a Command object.


Get string representation of this Command object.

class projectq.ops._command.CtrlAll(value)[source]

Enum type to initialise the control state of qubits.

One = 1[source]
Zero = 0[source]
exception projectq.ops._command.IncompatibleControlState[source]

Exception thrown when trying to set two incompatible states for a control qubit.


Apply a command.

Extracts the qubits-owning (target) engine from the Command object and sends the Command to it.


cmd (Command) – Command to apply


Definition of the basic set of quantum gates.

Contains definitions of standard gates such as * Hadamard (H) * Pauli-X (X / NOT) * Pauli-Y (Y) * Pauli-Z (Z) * S and its inverse (S / Sdagger) * T and its inverse (T / Tdagger) * SqrtX gate (SqrtX) * Swap gate (Swap) * SqrtSwap gate (SqrtSwap) * Entangle (Entangle) * Phase gate (Ph) * Rotation-X (Rx) * Rotation-Y (Ry) * Rotation-Z (Rz) * Rotation-XX on two qubits (Rxx) * Rotation-YY on two qubits (Ryy) * Rotation-ZZ on two qubits (Rzz) * Phase-shift (R) * Measurement (Measure)

and meta gates, i.e., * Allocate / Deallocate qubits * Flush gate (end of circuit) * Barrier * FlipBits

projectq.ops._gates.Allocate = <projectq.ops._gates.AllocateQubitGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.AllocateQubitGate

projectq.ops._gates.AllocateDirty = <projectq.ops._gates.AllocateDirtyQubitGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.AllocateDirtyQubitGate

class projectq.ops._gates.AllocateDirtyQubitGate[source]

Dirty qubit allocation gate class.


Return the inverse of this gate.

class projectq.ops._gates.AllocateQubitGate[source]

Qubit allocation gate class.


Return the inverse of this gate.

projectq.ops._gates.Barrier = <projectq.ops._gates.BarrierGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.BarrierGate

class projectq.ops._gates.BarrierGate[source]

Barrier gate class.


Return the inverse of this gate.

projectq.ops._gates.Deallocate = <projectq.ops._gates.DeallocateQubitGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.DeallocateQubitGate

class projectq.ops._gates.DeallocateQubitGate[source]

Qubit deallocation gate class.


Return the inverse of this gate.

projectq.ops._gates.Entangle = <projectq.ops._gates.EntangleGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.EntangleGate

class projectq.ops._gates.EntangleGate[source]

Entangle gate class.

(Hadamard on first qubit, followed by CNOTs applied to all other qubits).

class projectq.ops._gates.FlipBits(bits_to_flip)[source]

Gate for flipping qubits by means of XGates.

class projectq.ops._gates.FlushGate[source]

Flush gate (denotes the end of the circuit).


All compiler engines (cengines) which cache/buffer gates are obligated to flush and send all gates to the next compiler engine (followed by the flush command).


This gate is sent when calling


on the MainEngine eng.

projectq.ops._gates.H = <projectq.ops._gates.HGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.HGate

class projectq.ops._gates.HGate[source]

Hadamard gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

projectq.ops._gates.Measure = <projectq.ops._gates.MeasureGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.MeasureGate

class projectq.ops._gates.MeasureGate[source]

Measurement gate class (for single qubits).

projectq.ops._gates.NOT = <projectq.ops._gates.XGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.XGate

class projectq.ops._gates.Ph(angle)[source]

Phase gate (global phase).

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops._gates.R(angle)[source]

Phase-shift gate (equivalent to Rz up to a global phase).

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops._gates.Rx(angle)[source]

RotationX gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops._gates.Rxx(angle)[source]

RotationXX gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops._gates.Ry(angle)[source]

RotationY gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops._gates.Ryy(angle)[source]

RotationYY gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops._gates.Rz(angle)[source]

RotationZ gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops._gates.Rzz(angle)[source]

RotationZZ gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

projectq.ops._gates.S = <projectq.ops._gates.SGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.SGate

class projectq.ops._gates.SGate[source]

S gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

projectq.ops._gates.Sdag = <projectq.ops._metagates.DaggeredGate object>

Inverse (and shortcut) of projectq.ops.SGate

projectq.ops._gates.Sdagger = <projectq.ops._metagates.DaggeredGate object>

Inverse (and shortcut) of projectq.ops.SGate

projectq.ops._gates.SqrtSwap = <projectq.ops._gates.SqrtSwapGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.SqrtSwapGate

class projectq.ops._gates.SqrtSwapGate[source]

Square-root Swap gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

projectq.ops._gates.SqrtX = <projectq.ops._gates.SqrtXGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.SqrtXGate

class projectq.ops._gates.SqrtXGate[source]

Square-root X gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.


Return the Latex string representation of a SqrtXGate.

projectq.ops._gates.Swap = <projectq.ops._gates.SwapGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.SwapGate

class projectq.ops._gates.SwapGate[source]

Swap gate class (swaps 2 qubits).

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

projectq.ops._gates.T = <projectq.ops._gates.TGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.TGate

class projectq.ops._gates.TGate[source]

T gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

projectq.ops._gates.Tdag = <projectq.ops._metagates.DaggeredGate object>

Inverse (and shortcut) of projectq.ops.TGate

projectq.ops._gates.Tdagger = <projectq.ops._metagates.DaggeredGate object>

Inverse (and shortcut) of projectq.ops.TGate

projectq.ops._gates.X = <projectq.ops._gates.XGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.XGate

class projectq.ops._gates.XGate[source]

Pauli-X gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

projectq.ops._gates.Y = <projectq.ops._gates.YGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.YGate

class projectq.ops._gates.YGate[source]

Pauli-Y gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

projectq.ops._gates.Z = <projectq.ops._gates.ZGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.ZGate

class projectq.ops._gates.ZGate[source]

Pauli-Z gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.


Definition of some meta gates.

Contains meta gates, i.e., * DaggeredGate (Represents the inverse of an arbitrary gate) * ControlledGate (Represents a controlled version of an arbitrary gate) * Tensor/All (Applies a single qubit gate to all supplied qubits), e.g.,

Tensor(H) | (qubit1, qubit2) # apply H to qubit #1 and #2

As well as the meta functions * get_inverse (Tries to access the get_inverse member function of a gate and upon failure returns a DaggeredGate) * C (Creates an n-ary controlled version of an arbitrary gate)


Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.Tensor

projectq.ops._metagates.C(gate, n_qubits=1)[source]

Return n-controlled version of the provided gate.

  • gate – Gate to turn into its controlled version

  • n_qubits – Number of controls (default: 1)


C(NOT) | (c, q) # equivalent to CNOT | (c, q)
exception projectq.ops._metagates.ControlQubitError[source]

Exception thrown when wrong number of control qubits are supplied.

class projectq.ops._metagates.ControlledGate(gate, n=1)[source]

Controlled version of a gate.


Use the meta function C() to create a controlled gate

A wrapper class which enables (multi-) controlled gates. It overloads the __or__-operator, using the first qubits provided as control qubits. The n control-qubits need to be the first n qubits. They can be in separate quregs.


ControlledGate(gate, 2) | (qb0, qb2, qb3) # qb0 & qb2 are controls
C(gate, 2) | (qb0, qb2, qb3) # This is much nicer.
C(gate, 2) | ([qb0,qb2], qb3) # Is equivalent


Use C() rather than ControlledGate, i.e.,

C(X, 2) == Toffoli

Return inverse of a controlled gate, which is the controlled inverse gate.

class projectq.ops._metagates.DaggeredGate(gate)[source]

Wrapper class allowing to execute the inverse of a gate, even when it does not define one.

If there is a replacement available, then there is also one for the inverse, namely the replacement function run in reverse, while inverting all gates. This class enables using this emulation automatically.

A DaggeredGate is returned automatically when employing the get_inverse- function on a gate which does not provide a get_inverse() member function.


with Dagger(eng):
    MySpecialGate | qubits

will create a DaggeredGate if MySpecialGate does not implement get_inverse. If there is a decomposition function available, an auto- replacer engine can automatically replace the inverted gate by a call to the decomposition function inside a “with Dagger”-statement.


Return the inverse gate (the inverse of the inverse of a gate is the gate itself).


Return the Latex string representation of a Daggered gate.

class projectq.ops._metagates.Tensor(gate)[source]

Wrapper class allowing to apply a (single-qubit) gate to every qubit in a quantum register.

Allowed syntax is to supply either a qureg or a tuple which contains only one qureg.


Tensor(H) | x # applies H to every qubit in the list of qubits x
Tensor(H) | (x,) # alternative to be consistent with other syntax

Return the inverse of this tensored gate (which is the tensored inverse of the gate).


Return the inverse of a gate.

Tries to call gate.get_inverse and, upon failure, creates a DaggeredGate instead.


gate – Gate of which to get the inverse


get_inverse(H) # returns a Hadamard gate (HGate object)

Return True if the gate is an identity gate.

Tries to call gate.is_identity and, upon failure, returns False


gate – Gate of which to get the inverse


get_inverse(Rx(2*math.pi)) # returns True
get_inverse(Rx(math.pi)) # returns False


Definition of the quantum amplitude amplification gate.

class projectq.ops._qaagate.QAA(algorithm, oracle)[source]

Quantum Aplitude Amplification gate.

(Quick reference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amplitude_amplification. Complete reference G. Brassard, P. Hoyer, M. Mosca, A. Tapp (2000) Quantum Amplitude Amplification and Estimation https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0005055)

Quantum Amplitude Amplification (QAA) executes the algorithm, but not the final measurement required to obtain the marked state(s) with high probability. The starting state on wich the QAA algorithm is executed is the one resulting of aplying the Algorithm on the |0> state.


def func_algorithm(eng,system_qubits):
    All(H) | system_qubits

def func_oracle(eng,system_qubits,qaa_ancilla):
    # This oracle selects the state |010> as the one marked
    with Compute(eng):
       All(X) | system_qubits[0::2]
    with Control(eng, system_qubits):
       X | qaa_ancilla

system_qubits = eng.allocate_qureg(3)
# Prepare the qaa_ancilla qubit in the |-> state
qaa_ancilla = eng.allocate_qubit()
X | qaa_ancilla
H | qaa_ancilla

# Creates the initial state form the Algorithm
func_algorithm(eng, system_qubits)
# Apply Quantum Amplitude Amplification the correct number of times
num_it = int(math.pi/4.*math.sqrt(1 << 3))
with Loop(eng, num_it):
    QAA(func_algorithm, func_oracle) | (system_qubits, qaa_ancilla)

All(Measure) | system_qubits


No qubit allocation/deallocation may take place during the call to the defined Algorithm func_algorithm


Algorithm that initialite the state and to be used in the QAA algorithm


The Oracle that marks the state(s) as “good”


the system we are interested on


auxiliary qubit that helps to invert the amplitude of the “good” states


Definition of the QFT gate.

projectq.ops._qftgate.QFT = <projectq.ops._qftgate.QFTGate object>

Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.QFTGate

class projectq.ops._qftgate.QFTGate[source]

Quantum Fourier Transform gate.


Definition of the quantum phase estimation gate.

class projectq.ops._qpegate.QPE(unitary)[source]

Quantum Phase Estimation gate.

See setups.decompositions for the complete implementation


QubitOperator stores a sum of Pauli operators acting on qubits.

class projectq.ops._qubit_operator.QubitOperator(term=None, coefficient=1.0)[source]

A sum of terms acting on qubits, e.g., 0.5 * ‘X0 X5’ + 0.3 * ‘Z1 Z2’.

A term is an operator acting on n qubits and can be represented as:

coefficent * local_operator[0] x … x local_operator[n-1]

where x is the tensor product. A local operator is a Pauli operator (‘I’, ‘X’, ‘Y’, or ‘Z’) which acts on one qubit. In math notation a term is, for example, 0.5 * ‘X0 X5’, which means that a Pauli X operator acts on qubit 0 and 5, while the identity operator acts on all other qubits.

A QubitOperator represents a sum of terms acting on qubits and overloads operations for easy manipulation of these objects by the user.

Note for a QubitOperator to be a Hamiltonian which is a hermitian operator, the coefficients of all terms must be real.

hamiltonian = 0.5 * QubitOperator('X0 X5') + 0.3 * QubitOperator('Z0')

Our Simulator takes a hermitian QubitOperator to directly calculate the expectation value (see Simulator.get_expectation_value) of this observable.

A hermitian QubitOperator can also be used as input for the TimeEvolution gate.

If the QubitOperator is unitary, i.e., it contains only one term with a coefficient, whose absolute value is 1, then one can apply it directly to qubits:

eng = projectq.MainEngine()
qureg = eng.allocate_qureg(6)
QubitOperator('X0 X5', 1.j) | qureg # Applies X to qubit 0 and 5 with an additional global phase of 1.j

key: A term represented by a tuple containing all non-trivial local Pauli operators (‘X’, ‘Y’, or ‘Z’). A non-trivial local Pauli operator is specified by a tuple with the first element being an integer indicating the qubit on which a non-trivial local operator acts and the second element being a string, either ‘X’, ‘Y’, or ‘Z’, indicating which non-trivial Pauli operator acts on that qubit. Examples: ((1, ‘X’),) or ((1, ‘X’), (4,’Z’)) or the identity (). The tuples representing the non-trivial local terms are sorted according to the qubit number they act on, starting from 0. value: Coefficient of this term as a (complex) float




Compress the coefficient of a QubitOperator.

Eliminate all terms with coefficients close to zero and removes imaginary parts of coefficients that are close to zero.


abs_tol (float) – Absolute tolerance, must be at least 0.0


Return the inverse gate of a QubitOperator if applied as a gate.


NotInvertible – Not implemented for QubitOperators which have multiple terms or a coefficient with absolute value not equal to 1.


Return this gate merged with another gate.

Standard implementation of get_merged:


NotMergeable – merging is not possible

isclose(other, rel_tol=1e-12, abs_tol=1e-12)[source]

Return True if other (QubitOperator) is close to self.

Comparison is done for each term individually. Return True if the difference between each term in self and other is less than the relative tolerance w.r.t. either other or self (symmetric test) or if the difference is less than the absolute tolerance.

  • other (QubitOperator) – QubitOperator to compare against.

  • rel_tol (float) – Relative tolerance, must be greater than 0.0

  • abs_tol (float) – Absolute tolerance, must be at least 0.0

exception projectq.ops._qubit_operator.QubitOperatorError[source]

Exception raised when a QubitOperator is instantiated with some invalid data.


A few shortcuts for certain gates.

These include: * CNOT = C(NOT) * CRz = C(Rz) * Toffoli = C(NOT,2) = C(CNOT)


Shortcut for C(Rz(angle), n_qubits=1).


Definition of the state preparation gate.

class projectq.ops._state_prep.StatePreparation(final_state)[source]

Gate for transforming qubits in state |0> to any desired quantum state.


Definition of the time evolution gate.

exception projectq.ops._time_evolution.NotHermitianOperatorError[source]

Error raised if an operator is non-hermitian.

class projectq.ops._time_evolution.TimeEvolution(time, hamiltonian)[source]

Gate for time evolution under a Hamiltonian (QubitOperator object).

This gate is the unitary time evolution propagator: exp(-i * H * t), where H is the Hamiltonian of the system and t is the time. Note that -i factor is stored implicitely.


wavefunction = eng.allocate_qureg(5)
hamiltonian = 0.5 * QubitOperator("X0 Z1 Y5")
# Apply exp(-i * H * t) to the wavefunction:
TimeEvolution(time=2.0, hamiltonian=hamiltonian) | wavefunction

time t


float, int


hamiltonaian H




Return the inverse gate.


Return self merged with another TimeEvolution gate if possible.

Two TimeEvolution gates are merged if:
  1. both have the same terms

  2. the proportionality factor for each of the terms must have relative error <= 1e-9 compared to the proportionality factors of the other terms.


While one could merge gates for which both hamiltonians commute, we are not doing this as in general the resulting gate would have to be decomposed again.


We are not comparing if terms are proportional to each other with an absolute tolerance. It is up to the user to remove terms close to zero because we cannot choose a suitable absolute error which works for everyone. Use, e.g., a decomposition rule for that.


other – TimeEvolution gate


NotMergeable – If the other gate is not a TimeEvolution gate or hamiltonians are not suitable for merging.


New TimeEvolution gate equivalent to the two merged gates.


Definition of uniformly controlled Ry- and Rz-rotation gates.

class projectq.ops._uniformly_controlled_rotation.UniformlyControlledRy(angles)[source]

Uniformly controlled Ry gate as introduced in arXiv:quant-ph/0312218.

This is an n-qubit gate. There are n-1 control qubits and one target qubit. This gate applies Ry(angles(k)) to the target qubit if the n-1 control qubits are in the classical state k. As there are 2^(n-1) classical states for the control qubits, this gate requires 2^(n-1) (potentially different) angle parameters.


controls = eng.allocate_qureg(2) target = eng.allocate_qubit() UniformlyControlledRy(angles=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]) | (controls, target)


The first quantum register contains the control qubits. When converting the classical state k of the control qubits to an integer, we define controls[0] to be the least significant (qu)bit. controls can also be an empty list in which case the gate corresponds to an Ry.


angles (list[float]) – Rotation angles. Ry(angles[k]) is applied conditioned on the control qubits being in state k.


Return the inverse of this rotation gate (negate the angles, return new object).


Return self merged with another gate.

class projectq.ops._uniformly_controlled_rotation.UniformlyControlledRz(angles)[source]

Uniformly controlled Rz gate as introduced in arXiv:quant-ph/0312218.

This is an n-qubit gate. There are n-1 control qubits and one target qubit. This gate applies Rz(angles(k)) to the target qubit if the n-1 control qubits are in the classical state k. As there are 2^(n-1) classical states for the control qubits, this gate requires 2^(n-1) (potentially different) angle parameters.


controls = eng.allocate_qureg(2) target = eng.allocate_qubit() UniformlyControlledRz(angles=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]) | (controls, target)


The first quantum register are the contains qubits. When converting the classical state k of the control qubits to an integer, we define controls[0] to be the least significant (qu)bit. controls can also be an empty list in which case the gate corresponds to an Rz.


angles (list[float]) – Rotation angles. Rz(angles[k]) is applied conditioned on the control qubits being in state k.


Return the inverse of this rotation gate (negate the angles, return new object).


Return self merged with another gate.

Module contents

ProjectQ module containing all basic gates (operations)


Shortcut (instance of) projectq.ops.Tensor

class projectq.ops.AllocateDirtyQubitGate[source]

Dirty qubit allocation gate class.


Return the inverse of this gate.

class projectq.ops.AllocateQubitGate[source]

Qubit allocation gate class.


Return the inverse of this gate.

class projectq.ops.BarrierGate[source]

Barrier gate class.


Return the inverse of this gate.

class projectq.ops.BasicGate[source]

Base class of all gates. (Don’t use it directly but derive from it).


Initialize a basic gate.


Set interchangeable qubit indices! (gate.interchangeable_qubit_indices)

As an example, consider

ExampleGate | (a,b,c,d,e)

where a and b are interchangeable. Then, call this function as follows:


As another example, consider

ExampleGate2 | (a,b,c,d,e)

where a and b are interchangeable and, in addition, c, d, and e are interchangeable among themselves. Then, call this function as


Operator| overload which enables the syntax Gate | qubits.


  1. Gate | qubit

  2. Gate | [qubit0, qubit1]

  3. Gate | qureg

  4. Gate | (qubit, )

  5. Gate | (qureg, qubit)


qubits – a Qubit object, a list of Qubit objects, a Qureg object, or a tuple of Qubit or Qureg objects (can be mixed).


Generate a command.

The command object created consists of the gate and the qubits being acted upon.


qubits – see BasicGate.make_tuple_of_qureg(qubits)


A Command object containing the gate and the qubits.


Return the inverse gate.

Standard implementation of get_inverse:


NotInvertible – inverse is not implemented


Return this gate merged with another gate.

Standard implementation of get_merged:


NotMergeable – merging is not implemented


Return True if the gate is an identity gate. In this base class, always returns False.

static make_tuple_of_qureg(qubits)[source]

Convert quantum input of “gate | quantum input” to internal formatting.

A Command object only accepts tuples of Quregs (list of Qubit objects) as qubits input parameter. However, with this function we allow the user to use a more flexible syntax:

  1. Gate | qubit

  2. Gate | [qubit0, qubit1]

  3. Gate | qureg

  4. Gate | (qubit, )

  5. Gate | (qureg, qubit)

where qubit is a Qubit object and qureg is a Qureg object. This function takes the right hand side of | and transforms it to the correct input parameter of a Command object which is:

  1. -> Gate | ([qubit], )

  2. -> Gate | ([qubit0, qubit1], )

  3. -> Gate | (qureg, )

  4. -> Gate | ([qubit], )

  5. -> Gate | (qureg, [qubit])


qubits – a Qubit object, a list of Qubit objects, a Qureg object, or a tuple of Qubit or Qureg objects (can be mixed).


A tuple containing Qureg (or list of Qubits) objects.

Return type

Canonical representation (tuple<qureg>)


Return a string representation of the object.

Achieve same function as str() but can be extended for configurable representation

class projectq.ops.BasicMathGate(math_fun)[source]

Base class for all math gates.

It allows efficient emulation by providing a mathematical representation which is given by the concrete gate which derives from this base class. The AddConstant gate, for example, registers a function of the form

def add(x):
    return (x+a,)

upon initialization. More generally, the function takes integers as parameters and returns a tuple / list of outputs, each entry corresponding to the function input. As an example, consider out-of-place multiplication, which takes two input registers and adds the result into a third, i.e., (a,b,c) -> (a,b,c+a*b). The corresponding function then is

def multiply(a,b,c)
    return (a,b,c+a*b)

Initialize a BasicMathGate by providing the mathematical function that it implements.


math_fun (function) – Function which takes as many int values as input, as the gate takes registers. For each of these values, it then returns the output (i.e., it returns a list/tuple of output values).


def add(a,b):
    return (a,a+b)

If the gate acts on, e.g., fixed point numbers, the number of bits per register is also required in order to describe the action of such a mathematical gate. For this reason, there is


which can be overwritten by the gate deriving from BasicMathGate.


def get_math_function(self, qubits):
    n = len(qubits[0])
    scal = 2.**n
    def math_fun(a):
        return (int(scal * (math.sin(math.pi * a / scal))),)
    return math_fun

Get the math function associated with a BasicMathGate.

Return the math function which corresponds to the action of this math gate, given the input to the gate (a tuple of quantum registers).


qubits (tuple<Qureg>) – Qubits to which the math gate is being applied.


Python function describing the action of this gate. (See BasicMathGate.__init__ for an example).

Return type

math_fun (function)

class projectq.ops.BasicPhaseGate(angle)[source]

Base class for all phase gates.

A phase gate has a continuous parameter (the angle), labeled ‘angle’ / self.angle. Its inverse is the same gate with the negated argument. Phase gates of the same class can be merged by adding the angles. The continuous parameter is modulo 2 * pi, self.angle is in the interval [0, 2 * pi).


Initialize a basic rotation gate.


angle (float) – Angle of rotation (saved modulo 2 * pi)


Return the inverse of this rotation gate (negate the angle, return new object).


Return self merged with another gate.

Default implementation handles rotation gate of the same type, where angles are simply added.


other – Rotation gate of same type.


NotMergeable – For non-rotation gates or rotation gates of different type.


New object representing the merged gates.


Return the Latex string representation of a BasicPhaseGate.

Returns the class name and the angle as a subscript, i.e.

class projectq.ops.BasicRotationGate(angle)[source]

Base class of for all rotation gates.

A rotation gate has a continuous parameter (the angle), labeled ‘angle’ / self.angle. Its inverse is the same gate with the negated argument. Rotation gates of the same class can be merged by adding the angles. The continuous parameter is modulo 4 * pi, self.angle is in the interval [0, 4 * pi).


Initialize a basic rotation gate.


angle (float) – Angle of rotation (saved modulo 4 * pi)


Return the inverse of this rotation gate (negate the angle, return new object).


Return self merged with another gate.

Default implementation handles rotation gate of the same type, where angles are simply added.


other – Rotation gate of same type.


NotMergeable – For non-rotation gates or rotation gates of different type.


New object representing the merged gates.


Return True if the gate is equivalent to an Identity gate.


Return the Latex string representation of a BasicRotationGate.

Returns the class name and the angle as a subscript, i.e.


Return the string representation of a BasicRotationGate.


symbols (bool) – uses the pi character and round the angle for a more user friendly display if True, full angle written in radian otherwise.

projectq.ops.C(gate, n_qubits=1)[source]

Return n-controlled version of the provided gate.

  • gate – Gate to turn into its controlled version

  • n_qubits – Number of controls (default: 1)


C(NOT) | (c, q) # equivalent to CNOT | (c, q)

Shortcut for C(Rz(angle), n_qubits=1).

class projectq.ops.ClassicalInstructionGate[source]

Classical instruction gate.

Base class for all gates which are not quantum gates in the typical sense, e.g., measurement, allocation/deallocation, …

class projectq.ops.Command(engine, gate, qubits, controls=(), tags=(), control_state=CtrlAll.One)[source]

Class used as a container to store commands.

If a gate is applied to qubits, then the gate and qubits are saved in a command object. Qubits are copied into WeakQubitRefs in order to allow early deallocation (would be kept alive otherwise). WeakQubitRef qubits don’t send deallocate gate when destructed.


The gate to execute


Tuple of qubit lists (e.g. Quregs). Interchangeable qubits are stored in a unique order


The Qureg of control qubits in a unique order


The engine (usually: MainEngine)


The list of tag objects associated with this command (e.g., ComputeTag, UncomputeTag, LoopTag, …). tag objects need to support ==, != (__eq__ and __ne__) for comparison as used in e.g. TagRemover. New tags should always be added to the end of the list. This means that if there are e.g. two LoopTags in a command, tag[0] is from the inner scope while tag[1] is from the other scope as the other scope receives the command after the inner scope LoopEngine and hence adds its LoopTag to the end.


A tuple of control_qubits + qubits

__init__(engine, gate, qubits, controls=(), tags=(), control_state=CtrlAll.One)[source]

Initialize a Command object.


control qubits (Command.control_qubits) are stored as a list of qubits, and command tags (Command.tags) as a list of tag-objects. All functions within this class also work if WeakQubitRefs are supplied instead of normal Qubit objects (see WeakQubitRef).

  • engine (projectq.cengines.BasicEngine) – engine which created the qubit (mostly the MainEngine)

  • gate (projectq.ops.Gate) – Gate to be executed

  • qubits (tuple[Qureg]) – Tuple of quantum registers (to which the gate is applied)

  • controls (Qureg|list[Qubit]) – Qubits that condition the command.

  • tags (list[object]) – Tags associated with the command.

  • control_state (int,str,projectq.meta.CtrlAll) –

add_control_qubits(qubits, state=CtrlAll.One)[source]

Add (additional) control qubits to this command object.

They are sorted to ensure a canonical order. Also Qubit objects are converted to WeakQubitRef objects to allow garbage collection and thus early deallocation of qubits.

  • qubits (list of Qubit objects) – List of qubits which control this gate

  • state (int,str,CtrlAll) – Control state (ie. positive or negative) for the qubits being added as control qubits.

property all_qubits[source]

Get all qubits (gate and control qubits).

Returns a tuple T where T[0] is a quantum register (a list of WeakQubitRef objects) containing the control qubits and T[1:] contains the quantum registers to which the gate is applied.

property control_qubits[source]

Return a Qureg of control qubits.

property control_state[source]

Return the state of the control qubits (ie. either positively- or negatively-controlled).

property engine[source]

Return engine to which the qubits belong / on which the gates are executed.


Get the command object corresponding to the inverse of this command.

Inverts the gate (if possible) and creates a new command object from the result.


NotInvertible – If the gate does not provide an inverse (see BasicGate.get_inverse)


Merge this command with another one and return the merged command object.


other – Other command to merge with this one (self)


NotMergeable – if the gates don’t supply a get_merged()-function or can’t be merged for other reasons.

property interchangeable_qubit_indices[source]

Return nested list of qubit indices which are interchangeable.

Certain qubits can be interchanged (e.g., the qubit order for a Swap gate). To ensure that only those are sorted when determining the ordering (see _order_qubits), self.interchangeable_qubit_indices is used.


If we can interchange qubits 0,1 and qubits 3,4,5, then this function returns [[0,1],[3,4,5]]


Evaluate if the gate called in the command object is an identity gate.


True if the gate is equivalent to an Identity gate, False otherwise

property qubits[source]

Qubits stored in a Command object.


Get string representation of this Command object.

class projectq.ops.ControlledGate(gate, n=1)[source]

Controlled version of a gate.


Use the meta function C() to create a controlled gate

A wrapper class which enables (multi-) controlled gates. It overloads the __or__-operator, using the first qubits provided as control qubits. The n control-qubits need to be the first n qubits. They can be in separate quregs.


ControlledGate(gate, 2) | (qb0, qb2, qb3) # qb0 & qb2 are controls
C(gate, 2) | (qb0, qb2, qb3) # This is much nicer.
C(gate, 2) | ([qb0,qb2], qb3) # Is equivalent


Use C() rather than ControlledGate, i.e.,

C(X, 2) == Toffoli
__init__(gate, n=1)[source]

Initialize a ControlledGate object.

  • gate – Gate to wrap.

  • n (int) – Number of control qubits.


Apply the controlled gate to qubits, using the first n qubits as controls.

Note: The control qubits can be split across the first quregs. However, the n-th control qubit needs to be

the last qubit in a qureg. The following quregs belong to the gate.


qubits (tuple of lists of Qubit objects) – qubits to which to apply the gate.


Return inverse of a controlled gate, which is the controlled inverse gate.

class projectq.ops.CtrlAll(value)[source]

Enum type to initialise the control state of qubits.

One = 1[source]
Zero = 0[source]
class projectq.ops.DaggeredGate(gate)[source]

Wrapper class allowing to execute the inverse of a gate, even when it does not define one.

If there is a replacement available, then there is also one for the inverse, namely the replacement function run in reverse, while inverting all gates. This class enables using this emulation automatically.

A DaggeredGate is returned automatically when employing the get_inverse- function on a gate which does not provide a get_inverse() member function.


with Dagger(eng):
    MySpecialGate | qubits

will create a DaggeredGate if MySpecialGate does not implement get_inverse. If there is a decomposition function available, an auto- replacer engine can automatically replace the inverted gate by a call to the decomposition function inside a “with Dagger”-statement.


Initialize a DaggeredGate representing the inverse of the gate ‘gate’.


gate – Any gate object of which to represent the inverse.


Return the inverse gate (the inverse of the inverse of a gate is the gate itself).


Return the Latex string representation of a Daggered gate.

class projectq.ops.DeallocateQubitGate[source]

Qubit deallocation gate class.


Return the inverse of this gate.

class projectq.ops.EntangleGate[source]

Entangle gate class.

(Hadamard on first qubit, followed by CNOTs applied to all other qubits).

class projectq.ops.FastForwardingGate[source]

Base class for fast-forward gates.

Base class for classical instruction gates which require a fast-forward through compiler engines that cache / buffer gates. Examples include Measure and Deallocate, which both should be executed asap, such that Measurement results are available and resources are freed, respectively.


The only requirement is that FlushGate commands run the entire circuit. FastForwardingGate objects can be used but the user cannot expect a measurement result to be available for all back-ends when calling only Measure. E.g., for the IBM Quantum Experience back-end, sending the circuit for each Measure-gate would be too inefficient, which is why a final

is required before the circuit gets sent through the API.

class projectq.ops.FlipBits(bits_to_flip)[source]

Gate for flipping qubits by means of XGates.


Initialize a FlipBits gate.


qureg = eng.allocate_qureg(2)
FlipBits([0, 1]) | qureg

bits_to_flip (list[int]|list[bool]|str|int) – int or array of 0/1, True/False, or string of 0/1 identifying the qubits to flip. In case of int, the bits to flip are determined from the binary digits, with the least significant bit corresponding to qureg[0]. If bits_to_flip is negative, exactly all qubits which would not be flipped for the input -bits_to_flip-1 are flipped, i.e., bits_to_flip=-1 flips all qubits.


Operator| overload which enables the syntax Gate | qubits.

class projectq.ops.FlushGate[source]

Flush gate (denotes the end of the circuit).


All compiler engines (cengines) which cache/buffer gates are obligated to flush and send all gates to the next compiler engine (followed by the flush command).


This gate is sent when calling


on the MainEngine eng.

class projectq.ops.HGate[source]

Hadamard gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

exception projectq.ops.IncompatibleControlState[source]

Exception thrown when trying to set two incompatible states for a control qubit.

class projectq.ops.MatrixGate(matrix=None)[source]

A gate class whose instances are defined by a matrix.


Use this gate class only for gates acting on a small numbers of qubits. In general, consider instead using one of the provided ProjectQ gates or define a new class as this allows the compiler to work symbolically.


gate = MatrixGate([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
gate | qubit

Initialize a MatrixGate object.


matrix (numpy.matrix) – matrix which defines the gate. Default: None


Return the inverse of this gate.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops.MeasureGate[source]

Measurement gate class (for single qubits).


Operator| overload which enables the syntax Gate | qubits.

Previously (ProjectQ <= v0.3.6) MeasureGate/Measure was allowed to be applied to any number of quantum registers. Now the MeasureGate/Measure is strictly a single qubit gate.


RuntimeError – Since ProjectQ v0.6.0 if the gate is applied to multiple qubits.

exception projectq.ops.NotInvertible[source]

Exception thrown when trying to invert a gate which is not invertable.

This exception is also thrown if the inverse is not implemented (yet).

exception projectq.ops.NotMergeable[source]

Exception thrown when trying to merge two gates which are not mergeable.

This exception is also thrown if the merging is not implemented (yet)).

class projectq.ops.Ph(angle)[source]

Phase gate (global phase).

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops.QAA(algorithm, oracle)[source]

Quantum Aplitude Amplification gate.

(Quick reference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amplitude_amplification. Complete reference G. Brassard, P. Hoyer, M. Mosca, A. Tapp (2000) Quantum Amplitude Amplification and Estimation https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0005055)

Quantum Amplitude Amplification (QAA) executes the algorithm, but not the final measurement required to obtain the marked state(s) with high probability. The starting state on wich the QAA algorithm is executed is the one resulting of aplying the Algorithm on the |0> state.


def func_algorithm(eng,system_qubits):
    All(H) | system_qubits

def func_oracle(eng,system_qubits,qaa_ancilla):
    # This oracle selects the state |010> as the one marked
    with Compute(eng):
       All(X) | system_qubits[0::2]
    with Control(eng, system_qubits):
       X | qaa_ancilla

system_qubits = eng.allocate_qureg(3)
# Prepare the qaa_ancilla qubit in the |-> state
qaa_ancilla = eng.allocate_qubit()
X | qaa_ancilla
H | qaa_ancilla

# Creates the initial state form the Algorithm
func_algorithm(eng, system_qubits)
# Apply Quantum Amplitude Amplification the correct number of times
num_it = int(math.pi/4.*math.sqrt(1 << 3))
with Loop(eng, num_it):
    QAA(func_algorithm, func_oracle) | (system_qubits, qaa_ancilla)

All(Measure) | system_qubits


No qubit allocation/deallocation may take place during the call to the defined Algorithm func_algorithm


Algorithm that initialite the state and to be used in the QAA algorithm


The Oracle that marks the state(s) as “good”


the system we are interested on


auxiliary qubit that helps to invert the amplitude of the “good” states

__init__(algorithm, oracle)[source]

Initialize a QAA object.

class projectq.ops.QFTGate[source]

Quantum Fourier Transform gate.

class projectq.ops.QPE(unitary)[source]

Quantum Phase Estimation gate.

See setups.decompositions for the complete implementation


Initialize a QPE gate.

class projectq.ops.QubitOperator(term=None, coefficient=1.0)[source]

A sum of terms acting on qubits, e.g., 0.5 * ‘X0 X5’ + 0.3 * ‘Z1 Z2’.

A term is an operator acting on n qubits and can be represented as:

coefficent * local_operator[0] x … x local_operator[n-1]

where x is the tensor product. A local operator is a Pauli operator (‘I’, ‘X’, ‘Y’, or ‘Z’) which acts on one qubit. In math notation a term is, for example, 0.5 * ‘X0 X5’, which means that a Pauli X operator acts on qubit 0 and 5, while the identity operator acts on all other qubits.

A QubitOperator represents a sum of terms acting on qubits and overloads operations for easy manipulation of these objects by the user.

Note for a QubitOperator to be a Hamiltonian which is a hermitian operator, the coefficients of all terms must be real.

hamiltonian = 0.5 * QubitOperator('X0 X5') + 0.3 * QubitOperator('Z0')

Our Simulator takes a hermitian QubitOperator to directly calculate the expectation value (see Simulator.get_expectation_value) of this observable.

A hermitian QubitOperator can also be used as input for the TimeEvolution gate.

If the QubitOperator is unitary, i.e., it contains only one term with a coefficient, whose absolute value is 1, then one can apply it directly to qubits:

eng = projectq.MainEngine()
qureg = eng.allocate_qureg(6)
QubitOperator('X0 X5', 1.j) | qureg # Applies X to qubit 0 and 5 with an additional global phase of 1.j

key: A term represented by a tuple containing all non-trivial local Pauli operators (‘X’, ‘Y’, or ‘Z’). A non-trivial local Pauli operator is specified by a tuple with the first element being an integer indicating the qubit on which a non-trivial local operator acts and the second element being a string, either ‘X’, ‘Y’, or ‘Z’, indicating which non-trivial Pauli operator acts on that qubit. Examples: ((1, ‘X’),) or ((1, ‘X’), (4,’Z’)) or the identity (). The tuples representing the non-trivial local terms are sorted according to the qubit number they act on, starting from 0. value: Coefficient of this term as a (complex) float



__init__(term=None, coefficient=1.0)[source]

Initialize a QubitOperator object.

The init function only allows to initialize one term. Additional terms have to be added using += (which is fast) or using + of two QubitOperator objects:


ham = ((QubitOperator('X0 Y3', 0.5)
        + 0.6 * QubitOperator('X0 Y3')))
# Equivalently
ham2 = QubitOperator('X0 Y3', 0.5)
ham2 += 0.6 * QubitOperator('X0 Y3')


Adding terms to QubitOperator is faster using += (as this is done by in-place addition). Specifying the coefficient in the __init__ is faster than by multiplying a QubitOperator with a scalar as calls an out-of-place multiplication.

  • coefficient (complex float, optional) – The coefficient of the first term of this QubitOperator. Default is 1.0.

  • term (optional, empy tuple, a tuple of tuples, or a string) –

    1. Default is None which means there are no terms in the QubitOperator hence it is the “zero” Operator

    2. An empty tuple means there are no non-trivial Pauli operators acting on the qubits hence only identities with a coefficient (which by default is 1.0).

    3. A sorted tuple of tuples. The first element of each tuple is an integer indicating the qubit on which a non-trivial local operator acts, starting from zero. The second element of each tuple is a string, either ‘X’, ‘Y’ or ‘Z’, indicating which local operator acts on that qubit.

    4. A string of the form ‘X0 Z2 Y5’, indicating an X on qubit 0, Z on qubit 2, and Y on qubit 5. The string should be sorted by the qubit number. ‘’ is the identity.


QubitOperatorError – Invalid operators provided to QubitOperator.


Operator| overload which enables the syntax Gate | qubits.

In particular, enable the following syntax:

QubitOperator(...) | qureg
QubitOperator(...) | (qureg,)
QubitOperator(...) | qubit
QubitOperator(...) | (qubit,)

Unlike other gates, this gate is only allowed to be applied to one quantum register or one qubit and only if the QubitOperator is unitary, i.e., consists of one term with a coefficient whose absolute values is 1.


eng = projectq.MainEngine()
qureg = eng.allocate_qureg(6)
QubitOperator('X0 X5', 1.j) | qureg  # Applies X to qubit 0 and 5
                                     # with an additional global
                                     # phase of 1.j

While in the above example the QubitOperator gate is applied to 6 qubits, it only acts non-trivially on the two qubits qureg[0] and qureg[5]. Therefore, the operator| will create a new rescaled QubitOperator, i.e, it sends the equivalent of the following new gate to the MainEngine:

QubitOperator('X0 X1', 1.j) | [qureg[0], qureg[5]]

which is only a two qubit gate.


qubits – one Qubit object, one list of Qubit objects, one Qureg object, or a tuple of the former three cases.

  • TypeError – If QubitOperator is not unitary or applied to more than one quantum register.

  • ValueError – If quantum register does not have enough qubits


Compress the coefficient of a QubitOperator.

Eliminate all terms with coefficients close to zero and removes imaginary parts of coefficients that are close to zero.


abs_tol (float) – Absolute tolerance, must be at least 0.0


Return the inverse gate of a QubitOperator if applied as a gate.


NotInvertible – Not implemented for QubitOperators which have multiple terms or a coefficient with absolute value not equal to 1.


Return this gate merged with another gate.

Standard implementation of get_merged:


NotMergeable – merging is not possible

isclose(other, rel_tol=1e-12, abs_tol=1e-12)[source]

Return True if other (QubitOperator) is close to self.

Comparison is done for each term individually. Return True if the difference between each term in self and other is less than the relative tolerance w.r.t. either other or self (symmetric test) or if the difference is less than the absolute tolerance.

  • other (QubitOperator) – QubitOperator to compare against.

  • rel_tol (float) – Relative tolerance, must be greater than 0.0

  • abs_tol (float) – Absolute tolerance, must be at least 0.0

class projectq.ops.R(angle)[source]

Phase-shift gate (equivalent to Rz up to a global phase).

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops.Rx(angle)[source]

RotationX gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops.Rxx(angle)[source]

RotationXX gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops.Ry(angle)[source]

RotationY gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops.Ryy(angle)[source]

RotationYY gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops.Rz(angle)[source]

RotationZ gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops.Rzz(angle)[source]

RotationZZ gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops.SGate[source]

S gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops.SelfInverseGate[source]

Self-inverse basic gate class.

Automatic implementation of the get_inverse-member function for self-inverse gates.


# get_inverse(H) == H, it is a self-inverse gate:
get_inverse(H) | qubit

Return the inverse of this gate.

class projectq.ops.SqrtSwapGate[source]

Square-root Swap gate class.


Initialize a SqrtSwap gate.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops.SqrtXGate[source]

Square-root X gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.


Return the Latex string representation of a SqrtXGate.

class projectq.ops.StatePreparation(final_state)[source]

Gate for transforming qubits in state |0> to any desired quantum state.


Initialize a StatePreparation gate.


qureg = eng.allocate_qureg(2)
StatePreparation([0.5, -0.5j, -0.5, 0.5]) | qureg


final_state[k] is taken to be the amplitude of the computational basis state whose string is equal to the binary representation of k.


final_state (list[complex]) – wavefunction of the desired quantum state. len(final_state) must be 2**len(qureg). Must be normalized!

class projectq.ops.SwapGate[source]

Swap gate class (swaps 2 qubits).


Initialize a Swap gate.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops.TGate[source]

T gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops.Tensor(gate)[source]

Wrapper class allowing to apply a (single-qubit) gate to every qubit in a quantum register.

Allowed syntax is to supply either a qureg or a tuple which contains only one qureg.


Tensor(H) | x # applies H to every qubit in the list of qubits x
Tensor(H) | (x,) # alternative to be consistent with other syntax

Initialize a Tensor object for the gate.


Operator| overload which enables the syntax Gate | qubits.


Return the inverse of this tensored gate (which is the tensored inverse of the gate).

class projectq.ops.TimeEvolution(time, hamiltonian)[source]

Gate for time evolution under a Hamiltonian (QubitOperator object).

This gate is the unitary time evolution propagator: exp(-i * H * t), where H is the Hamiltonian of the system and t is the time. Note that -i factor is stored implicitely.


wavefunction = eng.allocate_qureg(5)
hamiltonian = 0.5 * QubitOperator("X0 Z1 Y5")
# Apply exp(-i * H * t) to the wavefunction:
TimeEvolution(time=2.0, hamiltonian=hamiltonian) | wavefunction

time t


float, int


hamiltonaian H



__init__(time, hamiltonian)[source]

Initialize time evolution gate.


The hamiltonian must be hermitian and therefore only terms with real coefficients are allowed. Coefficients are internally converted to float.

  • time (float, or int) – time to evolve under (can be negative).

  • hamiltonian (QubitOperator) – hamiltonian to evolve under.

  • TypeError – If time is not a numeric type and hamiltonian is not a QubitOperator.

  • NotHermitianOperatorError – If the input hamiltonian is not hermitian (only real coefficients).


Operator| overload which enables the syntax Gate | qubits.

In particular, enable the following syntax:

TimeEvolution(...) | qureg
TimeEvolution(...) | (qureg,)
TimeEvolution(...) | qubit
TimeEvolution(...) | (qubit,)

Unlike other gates, this gate is only allowed to be applied to one quantum register or one qubit.

Example: .. code-block:: python

wavefunction = eng.allocate_qureg(5) hamiltonian = QubitOperator(“X1 Y3”, 0.5) TimeEvolution(time=2.0, hamiltonian=hamiltonian) | wavefunction

While in the above example the TimeEvolution gate is applied to 5 qubits, the hamiltonian of this TimeEvolution gate acts only non-trivially on the two qubits wavefunction[1] and wavefunction[3]. Therefore, the operator| will rescale the indices in the hamiltonian and sends the equivalent of the following new gate to the MainEngine:

h = QubitOperator("X0 Y1", 0.5)
TimeEvolution(2.0, h) | [wavefunction[1], wavefunction[3]]

which is only a two qubit gate.


qubits – one Qubit object, one list of Qubit objects, one Qureg object, or a tuple of the former three cases.


Return the inverse gate.


Return self merged with another TimeEvolution gate if possible.

Two TimeEvolution gates are merged if:
  1. both have the same terms

  2. the proportionality factor for each of the terms must have relative error <= 1e-9 compared to the proportionality factors of the other terms.


While one could merge gates for which both hamiltonians commute, we are not doing this as in general the resulting gate would have to be decomposed again.


We are not comparing if terms are proportional to each other with an absolute tolerance. It is up to the user to remove terms close to zero because we cannot choose a suitable absolute error which works for everyone. Use, e.g., a decomposition rule for that.


other – TimeEvolution gate


NotMergeable – If the other gate is not a TimeEvolution gate or hamiltonians are not suitable for merging.


New TimeEvolution gate equivalent to the two merged gates.

class projectq.ops.UniformlyControlledRy(angles)[source]

Uniformly controlled Ry gate as introduced in arXiv:quant-ph/0312218.

This is an n-qubit gate. There are n-1 control qubits and one target qubit. This gate applies Ry(angles(k)) to the target qubit if the n-1 control qubits are in the classical state k. As there are 2^(n-1) classical states for the control qubits, this gate requires 2^(n-1) (potentially different) angle parameters.


controls = eng.allocate_qureg(2) target = eng.allocate_qubit() UniformlyControlledRy(angles=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]) | (controls, target)


The first quantum register contains the control qubits. When converting the classical state k of the control qubits to an integer, we define controls[0] to be the least significant (qu)bit. controls can also be an empty list in which case the gate corresponds to an Ry.


angles (list[float]) – Rotation angles. Ry(angles[k]) is applied conditioned on the control qubits being in state k.


Construct a UniformlyControlledRy gate.


Return the inverse of this rotation gate (negate the angles, return new object).


Return self merged with another gate.

class projectq.ops.UniformlyControlledRz(angles)[source]

Uniformly controlled Rz gate as introduced in arXiv:quant-ph/0312218.

This is an n-qubit gate. There are n-1 control qubits and one target qubit. This gate applies Rz(angles(k)) to the target qubit if the n-1 control qubits are in the classical state k. As there are 2^(n-1) classical states for the control qubits, this gate requires 2^(n-1) (potentially different) angle parameters.


controls = eng.allocate_qureg(2) target = eng.allocate_qubit() UniformlyControlledRz(angles=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]) | (controls, target)


The first quantum register are the contains qubits. When converting the classical state k of the control qubits to an integer, we define controls[0] to be the least significant (qu)bit. controls can also be an empty list in which case the gate corresponds to an Rz.


angles (list[float]) – Rotation angles. Rz(angles[k]) is applied conditioned on the control qubits being in state k.


Construct a UniformlyControlledRz gate.


Return the inverse of this rotation gate (negate the angles, return new object).


Return self merged with another gate.

class projectq.ops.XGate[source]

Pauli-X gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops.YGate[source]

Pauli-Y gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.

class projectq.ops.ZGate[source]

Pauli-Z gate class.

property matrix[source]

Access to the matrix property of this gate.


Apply a command.

Extracts the qubits-owning (target) engine from the Command object and sends the Command to it.


cmd (Command) – Command to apply


Return the inverse of a gate.

Tries to call gate.get_inverse and, upon failure, creates a DaggeredGate instead.


gate – Gate of which to get the inverse


get_inverse(H) # returns a Hadamard gate (HGate object)

Return True if the gate is an identity gate.

Tries to call gate.is_identity and, upon failure, returns False


gate – Gate of which to get the inverse


get_inverse(Rx(2*math.pi)) # returns True
get_inverse(Rx(math.pi)) # returns False