
The decomposition package is a collection of gate decomposition / replacement rules which can be used by, e.g., the AutoReplacer engine.

projectq.setups.decompositions.amplitudeamplification Registers a decomposition for quantum amplitude amplification.
projectq.setups.decompositions.arb1qubit2rzandry Registers the Z-Y decomposition for an arbitrary one qubit gate.
projectq.setups.decompositions.barrier Registers a decomposition rule for barriers.
projectq.setups.decompositions.carb1qubit2cnotrzandry Registers the decomposition of an controlled arbitary single qubit gate.
projectq.setups.decompositions.cnot2cz Registers a decomposition to for a CNOT gate in terms of CZ and Hadamard.
projectq.setups.decompositions.cnot2rxx Registers a decomposition to for a CNOT gate in terms of Rxx, Rx and Ry gates.
projectq.setups.decompositions.cnu2toffoliandcu Registers a decomposition rule for multi-controlled gates.
projectq.setups.decompositions.crz2cxandrz Registers a decomposition for controlled z-rotation gates.
projectq.setups.decompositions.entangle Registers a decomposition for the Entangle gate.
projectq.setups.decompositions.globalphase Registers a decomposition rule for global phases.
projectq.setups.decompositions.h2rx Registers a decomposition for the H gate into an Ry and Rx gate.
projectq.setups.decompositions.module Registers a decomposition for quantum amplitude amplification.
projectq.setups.decompositions.ph2r Registers a decomposition for the controlled global phase gate.
projectq.setups.decompositions.phaseestimation Registers a decomposition for phase estimation.
projectq.setups.decompositions.qft2crandhadamard Registers a decomposition rule for the quantum Fourier transform.
projectq.setups.decompositions.qubitop2onequbit Registers a decomposition rule for a unitary QubitOperator to one qubit gates.
projectq.setups.decompositions.r2rzandph Registers a decomposition rule for the phase-shift gate.
projectq.setups.decompositions.rx2rz Registers a decomposition for the Rx gate into an Rz gate and Hadamard.
projectq.setups.decompositions.ry2rz Registers a decomposition for the Ry gate into an Rz and Rx(pi/2) gate.
projectq.setups.decompositions.rz2rx Registers a decomposition for the Rz gate into an Rx and Ry(pi/2) or Ry(-pi/2) gate
projectq.setups.decompositions.sqrtswap2cnot Registers a decomposition to achieve a SqrtSwap gate.
projectq.setups.decompositions.stateprep2cnot Registers decomposition for StatePreparation.
projectq.setups.decompositions.swap2cnot Registers a decomposition to achieve a Swap gate.
projectq.setups.decompositions.time_evolution Registers decomposition for the TimeEvolution gates.
projectq.setups.decompositions.toffoli2cnotandtgate Registers a decomposition rule for the Toffoli gate.
projectq.setups.decompositions.uniformlycontrolledr2cnot Registers decomposition for UnformlyControlledRy and UnformlyControlledRz.
projectq.setups.decompositions.all_defined_decomposition_rules list() -> new empty list list(iterable) -> new list initialized from iterable’s items



Registers a decomposition for quantum amplitude amplification.

(Quick reference Complete reference G. Brassard, P. Hoyer, M. Mosca, A. Tapp (2000) Quantum Amplitude Amplification and Estimation

Quantum Amplitude Amplification (QAA) executes the algorithm, but not the final measurement required to obtain the marked state(s) with high probability. The starting state on wich the QAA algorithm is executed is the one resulting of aplying the Algorithm on the |0> state.


def func_algorithm(eng,system_qubits):
    All(H) | system_qubits

def func_oracle(eng,system_qubits,qaa_ancilla):
    # This oracle selects the state |010> as the one marked
    with Compute(eng):
       All(X) | system_qubits[0::2]
    with Control(eng, system_qubits):
       X | qaa_ancilla

system_qubits = eng.allocate_qureg(3)
# Prepare the qaa_ancilla qubit in the |-> state
qaa_ancilla = eng.allocate_qubit()
X | qaa_ancilla
H | qaa_ancilla

# Creates the initial state form the Algorithm
func_algorithm(eng, system_qubits)
# Apply Quantum Amplitude Amplification the correct number of times
num_it = int(math.pi/4.*math.sqrt(1 << 3))
with Loop(eng, num_it):
  QAA(func_algorithm, func_oracle) | (system_qubits, qaa_ancilla)

All(Measure) | system_qubits


No qubit allocation/deallocation may take place during the call to the defined Algorithm func_algorithm


Algorithm that initialite the state and to be used in the QAA algorithm


The Oracle that marks the state(s) as “good”


the system we are interested on


auxiliary qubit that helps to invert the amplitude of the “good” states

projectq.setups.decompositions.amplitudeamplification.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers the Z-Y decomposition for an arbitrary one qubit gate.

See paper “Elementary gates for quantum computing” by Adriano Barenco et al., arXiv:quant-ph/9503016v1. (Note: They use different gate definitions!) Or see theorem 4.1 in Nielsen and Chuang.

Decompose an arbitrary one qubit gate U into U = e^(i alpha) Rz(beta) Ry(gamma) Rz(delta). If a gate V is element of SU(2), i.e., determinant == 1, then V = Rz(beta) Ry(gamma) Rz(delta)

projectq.setups.decompositions.arb1qubit2rzandry.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition rule for barriers.

Deletes all barriers if they are not supported.

projectq.setups.decompositions.barrier.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers the decomposition of an controlled arbitary single qubit gate.

See paper “Elementary gates for quantum computing” by Adriano Barenco et al., arXiv:quant-ph/9503016v1. (Note: They use different gate definitions!) or Nielsen and Chuang chapter 4.3.

projectq.setups.decompositions.carb1qubit2cnotrzandry.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition to for a CNOT gate in terms of CZ and Hadamard.

projectq.setups.decompositions.cnot2cz.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition to for a CNOT gate in terms of Rxx, Rx and Ry gates.

projectq.setups.decompositions.cnot2rxx.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>, <projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition rule for multi-controlled gates.

Implements the decomposition of Nielsen and Chuang (Fig. 4.10) which decomposes a C^n(U) gate into a sequence of 2 * (n-1) Toffoli gates and one C(U) gate by using (n-1) ancilla qubits and circuit depth of 2n-1.

projectq.setups.decompositions.cnu2toffoliandcu.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition for controlled z-rotation gates.

It uses 2 z-rotations and 2 C^n NOT gates to achieve this gate.

projectq.setups.decompositions.crz2cxandrz.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition for the Entangle gate.

Applies a Hadamard gate to the first qubit and then, conditioned on this first qubit, CNOT gates to all others.

projectq.setups.decompositions.entangle.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition rule for global phases.

Deletes global phase gates (which can be ignored).

projectq.setups.decompositions.globalphase.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition for the H gate into an Ry and Rx gate.

projectq.setups.decompositions.h2rx.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>, <projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition for quantum amplitude amplification.

(Quick reference Complete reference G. Brassard, P. Hoyer, M. Mosca, A. Tapp (2000) Quantum Amplitude Amplification and Estimation

Quantum Amplitude Amplification (QAA) executes the algorithm, but not the final measurement required to obtain the marked state(s) with high probability. The starting state on wich the QAA algorithm is executed is the one resulting of aplying the Algorithm on the |0> state.


def func_algorithm(eng,system_qubits):
    All(H) | system_qubits

def func_oracle(eng,system_qubits,qaa_ancilla):
    # This oracle selects the state |010> as the one marked
    with Compute(eng):
       All(X) | system_qubits[0::2]
    with Control(eng, system_qubits):
       X | qaa_ancilla

system_qubits = eng.allocate_qureg(3)
# Prepare the qaa_ancilla qubit in the |-> state
qaa_ancilla = eng.allocate_qubit()
X | qaa_ancilla
H | qaa_ancilla

# Creates the initial state form the Algorithm
func_algorithm(eng, system_qubits)
# Apply Quantum Amplitude Amplification the correct number of times
num_it = int(math.pi/4.*math.sqrt(1 << 3))
with Loop(eng, num_it):
  QAA(func_algorithm, func_oracle) | (system_qubits, qaa_ancilla)

All(Measure) | system_qubits


No qubit allocation/deallocation may take place during the call to the defined Algorithm func_algorithm


Algorithm that initialite the state and to be used in the QAA algorithm


The Oracle that marks the state(s) as “good”


the system we are interested on


auxiliary qubit that helps to invert the amplitude of the “good” states


Registers a decomposition for the controlled global phase gate.

Turns the controlled global phase gate into a (controlled) phase-shift gate. Each time this rule is applied, one control can be shaved off.

projectq.setups.decompositions.ph2r.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition for phase estimation.


The Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE) executes the algorithm up to the inverse QFT included. The following steps measuring the ancillas and computing the phase should be executed outside of the QPE.

The decomposition uses as ancillas (qpe_ancillas) the first qubit/qureg in the Command and as system qubits teh second qubit/qureg in the Command.

The unitary operator for which the phase estimation is estimated (unitary) is the gate in Command


# Example using a ProjectQ gate

n_qpe_ancillas = 3
qpe_ancillas = eng.allocate_qureg(n_qpe_ancillas)
system_qubits = eng.allocate_qureg(1)
angle = cmath.pi*2.*0.125
U = Ph(angle) # unitary_specfic_to_the_problem()

# Apply Quantum Phase Estimation
QPE(U) | (qpe_ancillas, system_qubits)

All(Measure) | qpe_ancillas
# Compute the phase from the ancilla measurement
phasebinlist = [int(q) for q in qpe_ancillas]
phase_in_bin = ''.join(str(j) for j in phasebinlist)
phase_int = int(phase_in_bin,2)
phase = phase_int / (2 ** n_qpe_ancillas)
print (phase)

# Example using a function (two_qubit_gate).
# Instead of applying QPE on a gate U one could provide a function

def two_qubit_gate(system_q, time):
    CNOT | (system_q[0], system_q[1])
    Ph(2.0*cmath.pi*(time * 0.125)) | system_q[1]
    CNOT | (system_q[0], system_q[1])

n_qpe_ancillas = 3
qpe_ancillas = eng.allocate_qureg(n_qpe_ancillas)
system_qubits = eng.allocate_qureg(2)
X | system_qubits[0]

# Apply Quantum Phase Estimation
QPE(two_qubit_gate) | (qpe_ancillas, system_qubits)

All(Measure) | qpe_ancillas
# Compute the phase from the ancilla measurement
phasebinlist = [int(q) for q in qpe_ancillas]
phase_in_bin = ''.join(str(j) for j in phasebinlist)
phase_int = int(phase_in_bin,2)
phase = phase_int / (2 ** n_qpe_ancillas)
print (phase)

Unitary Operation either a ProjectQ gate or a function f.

Calling the function with the parameters system_qubits
Type:Qureg) and time (integer
i.e. f
Type:system_qubits, time
with parameter time.
projectq.setups.decompositions.phaseestimation.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition rule for the quantum Fourier transform.

Decomposes the QFT gate into Hadamard and controlled phase-shift gates (R).


The final Swaps are not included, as those are simply a re-indexing of quantum registers.

projectq.setups.decompositions.qft2crandhadamard.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition rule for a unitary QubitOperator to one qubit gates.

projectq.setups.decompositions.qubitop2onequbit.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition rule for the phase-shift gate.

Decomposes the (controlled) phase-shift gate using z-rotation and a global phase gate.

projectq.setups.decompositions.r2rzandph.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition for the Rx gate into an Rz gate and Hadamard.

projectq.setups.decompositions.rx2rz.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition for the Ry gate into an Rz and Rx(pi/2) gate.

projectq.setups.decompositions.ry2rz.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition for the Rz gate into an Rx and Ry(pi/2) or Ry(-pi/2) gate

projectq.setups.decompositions.rz2rx.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>, <projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition to achieve a SqrtSwap gate.

projectq.setups.decompositions.sqrtswap2cnot.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers decomposition for StatePreparation.

projectq.setups.decompositions.stateprep2cnot.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition to achieve a Swap gate.

Decomposes a Swap gate using 3 CNOT gates, where the one in the middle features as many control qubits as the Swap gate has control qubits.

projectq.setups.decompositions.swap2cnot.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers decomposition for the TimeEvolution gates.

An exact straight forward decomposition of a TimeEvolution gate is possible if the hamiltonian has only one term or if all the terms commute with each other in which case one can implement each term individually.

projectq.setups.decompositions.time_evolution.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>, <projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers a decomposition rule for the Toffoli gate.

Decomposes the Toffoli gate using Hadamard, T, Tdag, and CNOT gates.

projectq.setups.decompositions.toffoli2cnotandtgate.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules


Registers decomposition for UnformlyControlledRy and UnformlyControlledRz.

projectq.setups.decompositions.uniformlycontrolledr2cnot.all_defined_decomposition_rules = [<projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>, <projectq.cengines._replacer._decomposition_rule.DecompositionRule instance>][source]

Decomposition rules

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