
The decomposition package is a collection of gate decomposition / replacement rules which can be used by, e.g., the AutoReplacer engine.


projectq.setups.decompositions.crz2cxandrz module

Registers a decomposition for controlled z-rotation gates.

It uses 2 z-rotations and 2 C^n NOT gates to achieve this gate.

projectq.setups.decompositions.entangle module

Registers a decomposition for the Entangle gate.

Applies a Hadamard gate to the first qubit and then, conditioned on this first qubit, CNOT gates to all others.

projectq.setups.decompositions.globalphase module

Registers a decomposition rule for global phases.

Deletes global phase gates (which can be ignored).

projectq.setups.decompositions.ph2r module

Registers a decomposition for the controlled global phase gate.

Turns the controlled global phase gate into a (controlled) phase-shift gate. Each time this rule is applied, one control can be shaved off.

projectq.setups.decompositions.qft2crandhadamard module

Registers a decomposition rule for the quantum Fourier transform.

Decomposes the QFT gate into Hadamard and controlled phase-shift gates (R).


The final Swaps are not included, as those are simply a re-indexing of quantum registers.

projectq.setups.decompositions.r2rzandph module

Registers a decomposition rule for the phase-shift gate.

Decomposes the (controlled) phase-shift gate using z-rotation and a global phase gate.

projectq.setups.decompositions.swap2cnot module

Registers a decomposition to achieve a Swap gate.

Decomposes a Swap gate using 3 CNOT gates, where the one in the middle features as many control qubits as the Swap gate has control qubits.

projectq.setups.decompositions.toffoli2cnotandtgate module

Registers a decomposition rule for the Toffoli gate.

Decomposes the Toffoli gate using Hadamard, T, Tdag, and CNOT gates.

Module contents