
The setups package contains a collection of setups which can be loaded by the MainEngine. Each setup then loads its own set of decomposition rules and default compiler engines.

from projectq import MainEngine
eng = MainEngine(
# eng uses the default Simulator backend
One can either provide an engine_list or a setup to the MainEngine but not both.

The subpackage decompositions contains all the individual decomposition rules which can be given to, e.g., an AutoReplacer.



Each of the submodules contains a setup which can be loaded by the MainEngine :

projectq.setups.default Defines the default setup which provides an engine_list for the MainEngine Defines a setup useful for the IBM QE chip with 5 qubits.
projectq.setups.ibm16 Defines a setup useful for the IBM QE chip with 16 qubits.


Defines the default setup which provides an engine_list for the MainEngine

It contains LocalOptimizers and an AutoReplacer which uses most of the decompositions rules defined in projectq.setups.decompositions



Defines a setup useful for the IBM QE chip with 5 qubits.

It provides the engine_list for the MainEngine, and contains an AutoReplacer with most of the gate decompositions of ProjectQ, among others it includes:

  • Controlled z-rotations –> Controlled NOTs and single-qubit rotations
  • Toffoli gate –> CNOT and single-qubit gates
  • m-Controlled global phases –> (m-1)-controlled phase-shifts
  • Global phases –> ignore
  • (controlled) Swap gates –> CNOTs and Toffolis
  • Arbitrary single qubit gates –> Rz and Ry
  • Controlled arbitrary single qubit gates –> Rz, Ry, and CNOT gates

Moreover, it contains LocalOptimizers and a custom mapper for the CNOT gates.[source]


Defines a setup useful for the IBM QE chip with 16 qubits.

It provides the engine_list for the MainEngine, and contains an AutoReplacer with most of the gate decompositions of ProjectQ, among others it includes:

  • Controlled z-rotations –> Controlled NOTs and single-qubit rotations
  • Toffoli gate –> CNOT and single-qubit gates
  • m-Controlled global phases –> (m-1)-controlled phase-shifts
  • Global phases –> ignore
  • (controlled) Swap gates –> CNOTs and Toffolis
  • Arbitrary single qubit gates –> Rz and Ry
  • Controlled arbitrary single qubit gates –> Rz, Ry, and CNOT gates

Moreover, it contains LocalOptimizers.


This setup does not yet contain an automatic mapper. The mapping needs to be done manually using the ManualMapper.


Module contents